Support for certification

How we support you


Analysis of the certification project: objectives, requirements, timeframe.


Guidance in choosing the most suitable notified body for the project and the objectives (results, times, costs).


Study of the most effective certification route.


Comparison of the offers of the identified notified bodies.


Opening of the relational channel with the notified body and management of the relationship both before the start of the project and during, if required.


The company chooses from among the proposed solutions and proceeds directly with the notified body.

Managed certifications

  • MID certification: new Module B (EU-Type examination certificate), new Module D, Module F, etc.
  • NAWI certification: new Module B (EU-Type examination certificate), new Module D, Module F, etc.
  • New certification of parts of measuring instruments (indicator device, flow meter, pressure and temperature transmitters, load cells, points of sale, gas chromatograph, etc.): Evaluation and Parts certificate.
  • Certification according to OIML Recommendations.
  • Certification of the software as per the Welmec 7.2 Guide.
  • Certification of measuring instruments with new technologies.
  • Revisions of already-achieved certifications of either an entire measuring instrument or of its parts.

Instruments to certify

  • Water meters.
  • Gas meters and volume conversion devices.
  • Electrical energy meters.
  • Thermal energy meters.
  • Measuring systems for the continuous and dynamic measurement of quantities of liquids other than water, including hydrogen, LNG, CNG.
  • Non-automatic weighing instruments.
  • Automatic weighing instruments (catchweigher and checkweigher, weight/price labeller, automatic gravimetric filling instrument, continuous and discontinuous totaliser, rail-weighbridge).
  • Taximeters.
  • Gas chromatographs (GC) and calorific value determining devices (CVDD).
  • Material measure of length and capacity serving measures.
  • Dimensional measuring instruments.
  • Exhaust gas analysers.
  • EV charging stations.
  • Power Quality Meters.
  • Points of Sale.
  • Pressure and temperature transmitters.
  • Measurement software.
  • Measurement instruments based on new technologies.

Our strengths

The success of the support pathway has strong roots:

  • independence guarantee;
  • orientation towards the needs and the success of your company;
  • absolute confidentiality;
  • decades of experience supporting companies as a link between their needs and those of certification bodies;
  • cross-disciplinary knowledge of sectors and markets;
  • knowledge of the company’s needs and the approach of certification bodies.
Certification Crossing - Punti di forza
Alessandra Bendistinto

Alessandra Bendistinto

Over 18 years of international experience in certification projects and legal metrology.

Master’s degree in Law and Executive Master, II level, in Mobility Innovation and Management. Speaker at several events and seminars on legal metrology topics. Mentor at the University of Padua (Italy).

The success of the support pathway has strong roots:

  • independence guarantee;
  • orientation towards the needs and the success of your company;
  • absolute confidentiality;
  • decades of experience supporting companies as a link between their needs and those of certification bodies;
  • cross-disciplinary knowledge of sectors and markets;
  • knowledge of the company’s needs and the approach of certification bodies.
Alessandra Bendistinto

Alessandra Bendistinto

Over 18 years of international experience in certification projects and legal metrology.

Master’s degree in Law and Executive Master, II level, in Mobility Innovation and Management. Speaker at several events and seminars on legal metrology topics. Mentor at the University of Padua (Italy).

Benefits vs. risks

The service of support for certification provides great benefits to the company and avoids common risks often little-considered when tackling a project of this type.

Certification Crossing - Vantaggi
  • Saving valuable time of technical and R&D departments, allowing them to focus on their core activities.
  • Clarity and transparency about the certification project before approaching the notified body.
  • Identifying little-known and more effective certification solutions.
  • Getting the best offer in the fastest way.
  • Correct interpretation of the notified body’s requirements already at the pre-offer stage.
  • Establish a smooth relationship with the notified body.
  • Having a certification project tailored to the company.
Certification Crossing - Rischi
  • Being convinced of a certifying path which, actually, is ineffective.
  • Valuable time and expenditure for engineers and R&D technicians in searching for the notified body, obtaining offers, and in dealing with initial relation.
  • Choosing an unsuitable certification body.
  • Retesting the instrument and rethinking its characteristics because when dealing with the notified body, it emerges that the product requirements may be handled differently or some are missing.
  • Increase a certain ‘aversion’ to dealing with the bureaucracy of certification and the body, opting for easier solutions with little long-term benefit.
  • Not being ‘in line’ with the language and mindset of the body, causing slow-downs the certification process.