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Speed up your certification projects

Speed up your certification projects

Certification Crossing - Alessandra Bendistinto

The journey, the encounter, the idea

Certification Crossing stems from an insight that came to me in 2019.

I could define it as the culmination of a deep, intense, exciting journey through subjects, cultures, needs, and ways of thinking which, while very different, are also interconnected.

It began with high-school classical studies, then the Master’s Degree in Law, the course for Magistrates and then others on emotional intelligence, communication techniques, enhancing human capital, and digital skills. Then the Executive Master II level in Mobility Innovation and Management.

It has been a constant and multidisciplinary professional development, both humanistic and technical, driven by a passion for study and human relations.

At a certain point, in 2006, came the encounter with one of the most important and prestigious international certification bodies (NMi Certin BV), and a new subject: legal metrology. Thus began more than 12 exciting years of experience in the ‘certification supporting’ of measuring instruments manufactured by Italian and other companies in the Mobility, Oil & Gas, Utilities and Weighing sectors, dealing with many issues, both project-related and relational. The role of project leader for the New Legislative Framework together with Dutch colleagues at NMi strengthened and stimulated me further.

I became increasingly specialised in this subject and started to make connections between needs, technologies, markets, bureaucracy and innovation.

I am aware of the lack of an independent connection and cross point between measuring-instruments manufacturers and certification bodies, a connection that aids smooth communication between them and speed up certification projects; a reference point, a digital hub that can support companies while providing certification bodies with the necessary elements to optimise certification times.

So, from idea to reality! “Certification Crossing. Speed up your certification projects”: a new business project in the world of legal metrology and certification, which will increasingly expand into the future with innovative and original services.

As well as supporting companies by leveraging my professional expertise, I have continued to be involved in other initiatives to spread the culture of legal metrology, the value of certifications, the correct understanding of certification schemes, and to facilitate business relationships in general.

Speaker at several legal metrology seminars

  • Intertraffic Amsterdam Exhibition (The Netherlands) 2018: “Better accuracy for better monitoring and enforcement by means of ANPR standard UNI 10772”;
  • AIS (Associazione Italiana Strumentisti) e ISA Italy Section (Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society), Milan (Italy) 2018: “Panoramica misure fiscali MID e OIML” and “Falsi miti sulle certificazioni”;
  • Conference of iWIM Srl, Peschiera del Garda (Italy) 2018: “Certificazione OIML R134 – Internazionalità e un esempio concreto”;
  • Smart Mobility World Conference, Monza (Italy) 2017: “ANPR Lo standard italiano UNI 10772:2016: un ponte per l’Europa”;
  • Oil&nonOil Exhibition, Verona (Italy) 2016: “GNL e metrologia legale: esperienze di certificazione e sviluppi normativi“;
  • Energia Media Working Table, Milano (Italy) 2016: “eMobility. L’accesso “aperto” all’infrastruttura di ricarica come forte fattore di sviluppo”;
  • NMi Seminar “Il nuovo quadro normativo europeo e la nuova direttiva MID 2014/32/EU”, Padova (Italy) 2014: “Perché NLF e la nuova direttiva MID?” and “The New Legislative Framework”;
  • Gruppo Italia Energia Conference “Acqua verso una gestione smart”, Bologna (Italy) 2013: “Un punto di partenza: la certificazione MID per i contatori dell’acqua“;
  • NMi Seminar “The MID certification for measuring systems for liquids other than water “, Padova (Italy) 2013: “”La direttiva MID per i sistemi di misura di liquidi diversi dall’acqua”;
  • Gruppo Italia Energia – Smart Meter Gas Conference “Innovazione, sviluppo tecnologico e nuovo contesto internazionale”, Bologna (Italy) 2012: “L’innovazione tecnologica nell’esperienza di un organismo notificato internazionale”;
  • NMi Seminar “Weighing instruments: best route to the market”, Verona (Italy) 2010: “Best route to the market”;
  • NMi Seminar ” The New MID Directive for weighing manufacturers”, Milano (Italy) 2007: “La nuova Direttiva MID 2004/22/CE”.
Certification Crossing - Seminari di metrologia legale

Intertraffic Amsterdam 2018

Awards and distinctions

On May 18th, 2023, at the end of the second day of Hydrogen Expo 2023 exhibition in Piacenza (Italy), I have been bestowed the special award for the “Lady Award” category at the first edition of the IHTA – Italian Hydrogen Technology Awards, an event created to honour the work of excellences operating in the hydrogen technology supply chain, both nationally and internationally.

I was honoured as the only woman in Italy dealing with legal metrology, as an independent third-party consultant, for the help I provide to companies to orient themselves in the world of certification of measuring instruments for fiscal and trade use, including all those of new technology (i.e., hydrogen), thus contributing to their market entry.

Author of articles

  • Traffic Technology International, April/May 2017, pg. 64-65: “The new enforcement standards that will help vendors and users”.
  • CH4 La Rivista Italiana del Gas N. 4 2012, pg. 40: “L’innovazione tecnologica nell’esperienza di un organismo notificato internazionale”.

Trainer and consultant

Regarding certification of measuring instruments according to MID 2014/32/EU, NAWI 2014/31/EU Directives and OIML Recommendations.