Project management

Certification Crossing offers an integrated approach, where project management plays a key role in achieving the results the company has set itself and wants to pursue.

Project Management is a closely related service to that of support for certification and includes the following activities:

  • management of the certification project by coordinating the company resources dealing with it and bringing order to the initial confusion typical of when approaching certification;
  • management of the project for the certification of measuring instruments based on new technologies or in new product sectors;
  • management of relations with the certification body before officially starting the project and during its progress;
  • management of the change from the current certification body to the new one.

Benefits of the integrated approach

The management of certification projects often also involves other activities affecting different company departments, or it comes at a time when the company is going through major changes (generational, new markets, new acquisitions, etc.).

Thus, entrusting the management of the certification project to a third party which is independent and not involved in the company’s dynamics, provides significant advantages:

  • having a professional on hand immediately to take care of the project without diverting resources from other departments, perhaps coinciding with time pressures to enter the market and you being overworked;
  • you obtain certification without needing to change the company organisation chart for a short time only;
  • you obtain certification without affecting the company’s balances, or take the opportunity to start changing them precisely because of the presence of an uninvolved professional who is also capable of training human resources;
  • you have a professional who takes care of the certification project, liaises with company resources, understands and analyses the company’s critical and improvement points, and who shares them with the management: in practice, a single professional working on two fronts.

Most common issues to resolve

When a company approaches a certification project, it usually has to address:

  • uncertainty and confusion as to what kind of certification is needed, whether it is really necessary and what alternative solutions are possible;
  • discomfort towards the ‘obligation’ of certification with all that it entails;
  • dissatisfaction with the current certification body, the desire for a new body and the inability or lack of time to start a new relationship, and lacking the information to choose the right one;
  • lack of internal human resources who are aware of certification dynamics and have experience in dealing with certification bodies.

Training on certification

How to exploit the value of acquired certification.

Train salespeople to understand the value of certification and how to successfully deal with customer requests.

Knowledge about the certification of measuring instruments is important to prepare a correct approach to certification, and to empower salespeople, who are often called upon to resolve doubts and correctly interpret customer requests. Indeed, it is not rare that, both client companies and during the tenders, requests for certification or product requirements emerge that are incompatible with the certification itself. It is thus essential to recognise these eventualities and to succeed in meeting them professionally and competently, perhaps even training customers in turn. In this way, the company’s reputation is also certainly enhanced.

Our training can cover these topics:

  • certification scheme of MID Directive 2014/32/EU: modules and annexes (also for each of the types of measuring instruments covered by the Directive);
  • certification scheme of NAWI Directive 2014/31/EU: modules and annexes;
  • OIML and MID certification;
    how to enter the European and international market;
  • certification of measuring instruments based on new technologies;
  • the value of MID and OIML certifications;
  • false myths about certification.
Certification Crossing - Formazione

We create tailor-made training courses according to your company’s needs.
We participate in seminars and conferences dedicated to legal metrology, in particular on the certification of measuring instruments.