Market entry

We work with manufacturers of measuring instruments and their stakeholders in Mobility, Oil & Gas, Utilities and Weighing sectors for the entry into the international, European and Italian markets.

Certification Crossing - Mercato internazionale

The access to the international market is achieved with the certification according to OIML Recommendations, which then needs to be converted into the national type approval of the country one wishes to enter.
In some non-European countries one can enter with the certification according to European Directives MID (2014/32/EU) and NAWI (2014/31/EU) although these are not mandatory.
Indeed, compliance with them is often required as a guarantee of the metrological quality of the measuring instrument.

Certification Crossing - Mercato internazionale

International market access

The access to the international market is achieved with the certification according to OIML Recommendations, which then needs to be converted into the national type approval of the country one wishes to enter.
In some non-European countries one can enter with the certification according to European Directives MID (2014/32/EU) and NAWI (2014/31/EU) although these are not mandatory.
Indeed, compliance with them is often required as a guarantee of the metrological quality of the measuring instrument.

To enter the European market, certification according to the MID Directive (2014/32/EU) and the NAWI Directive (2014/31/EU) is required, as well as compliance with the Welmec Guides, especially for software and the modular approach.
The certification according to OIML Recommendations is required for types of measuring instruments or new technologies that are not covered by the above-mentioned European Directives.

Certification Crossing - Mercato europeo
Certification Crossing - Mercato europeo

European market access

To enter the European market, certification according to the MID Directive (2014/32/EU) and the NAWI Directive (2014/31/EU) is required, as well as compliance with the Welmec Guides, especially for software and the modular approach.
The certification according to OIML Recommendations is required for types of measuring instruments or new technologies that are not covered by the above-mentioned European Directives.

Certification Crossing - Mercato italiano

The access to the Italian market for measuring instruments is subject to certification according to the MID Directive (2014/32/EU) and the NAWI Directive (2014/31/EU).
The Welmec Guides are essential for software compliance and the modular approach.
The certification according to the OIML Recommendations is required for types of measuring instruments or new technologies that are not covered by the above-mentioned European Directives.

Certification Crossing - Mercato italiano

Italian market access

The access to the Italian market for measuring instruments is subject to certification according to the MID Directive (2014/32/EU) and the NAWI Directive (2014/31/EU).
The Welmec Guides are essential for software compliance and the modular approach.
The certification according to the OIML Recommendations is required for types of measuring instruments or new technologies that are not covered by the above-mentioned European Directives.

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Certification Crossing - Weighing in motion

Weighing in motion

Certification Crossing - EV charging station

EV charging station

Certification Crossing - Particolato


Certification Crossing - LNG


Certification Crossing - Altri argomenti

Other topics

Certification Crossing - EV charging station

EV charging station

Certification Crossing - LNG


Certification Crossing - Weighing in motion

Weighing in motion

Certification Crossing - Particolato


Certification Crossing - Altri argomenti

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