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Speed up your certification projects

Speed up your certification projects

Alessandra Bendistinto

Alessandra Bendistinto

Over 18 years of international experience in certification projects and legal metrology.

Master’s degree in Law and Executive Master, II level, in Mobility Innovation and Management. Speaker at several events and seminars on legal metrology topics. Mentor at the University of Padua (Italy).

Certification Crossing is the independent cross and connection point between manufacturers of measuring instruments and certification bodies.

We support and assist companies during the first steps of their journey to obtaining certification, in the revision phase and then when changing over to a new notified body. Assistance includes how to navigate among different certification bodies, and identify the one best suited to one’s needs, how to approach the project more efficiently, and how to avoid the most common mistakes, thereby speeding up market entry.

Who we work with, and in which sectors and markets

We work with manufacturers of measuring instruments and their stakeholders in Mobility, Oil & Gas, Utilities and Weighing sectors for the entry into the international, European and Italian markets.

In the companies, we work with:

R&D and Innovation Department

Product Manager

Technical & Quality Department

Certification Crossing is the independent cross and connection point between manufacturers of measuring instruments and certification bodies.

We support and assist companies during the first steps of their journey to obtaining certification, in the revision phase and then when changing over to a new notified body. Assistance includes how to navigate among different certification bodies, and choose the one best suited to one’s needs, how to approach the project more efficiently, and how to avoid the most common mistakes, thereby speeding up market entry.

Who we work with, and in which sectors and markets

We work with manufacturers of measuring instruments and their stakeholders in Mobility, Oil & Gas, Utilities and Weighing sectors for the entry into the international, European and Italian markets.

In the companies, we work with:

R&D and Innovation Department

Product Manager

Technical & Quality Department

Alessandra Bendistinto

Alessandra Bendistinto

Over 18 years of international experience in certification projects and legal metrology.

Master’s degree in Law and Executive Master, II level, in Mobility Innovation and Management. Speaker at several events and seminars on legal metrology topics. Mentor at the University of Padua (Italy).

Support and consultancy areas

Market entry

Certification Crossing - Mercato internazionale
Certification Crossing - Mercato europeo
Certification Crossing - Mercato italiano

International market access

European market access

Italian market access

Certification Crossing - Mercato internazionale

International market access

Certification Crossing - Mercato europeo

European market access

Certification Crossing - Mercato italiano

Italian market access

Support for certification

Certification Crossing - OIML Certification
Certification Crossing - Direttive MID e NAWI
Certification Crossing - Conformità guide WELMEC

MID and NAWI Directives

Certification Crossing - OIML Certification
Certification Crossing - Direttive MID e NAWI

MID and NAWI Directives

Certification Crossing - Conformità guide WELMEC

Project management

Integrated approach to the
certification pathway.

Training on the certification of
measuring instruments and more besides.

Training on certification

Project management

Integrated approach to the
certification pathway.

Training on certification

Training on the certification of
measuring instruments and more besides.

Companies that we have supported

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